This is a small how to for helping you can copy files from host to Docker container. Again this is not a normal practice but if you are debugging some stuff and want to copy a tool or a library or a file it can help.
Let’s assume we have this situation
$> docker ps
5bdfd620b191 p2.7.18:latest "/bin/sh" Up 3 minutes test-container
Please note that I deleted few columns in the output above (Created and Ports) that are not needed in this case.
If I want to copy a file that is on my filesystem to that docker container all I have to do is to run the docker cp command that will copy from/to filesystem/container
Let’s see how it works
Copy from filesystem to container
~$ mkdir ~/test-copy
~$ cd ~/test-copy
~$ touch copy-a
~$ # now I want to copy this file to the container 5bdfd620b191
~$ # all I have to do is docker cp copy-a 5bdfd620b191:/path
~$ docker cp copy-a 5bdfd620b191:/home
~$ # at this stage I will execute the shell of the container
~$ docker exec -it 5bdfd620b191 /bin/sh
/ # ls
bin etc lib mnt proc run srv tmp var
dev home media opt root sbin sys usr
/ # ls /home/
Super handy!
I can also reverse this action, and by that I mean copy from the container to the filesystem. Let’s assume that in my container this file exists /home/copy-b all I have to do is
~$ docker cp 5bdfd620b191:/home/copy-b .
And the result of this action will be…I have now copy-b file on my filesystem.
Hope it will help
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