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How to handle command line args

commandline arguments shell scripting

When working with shell scripts, handling command-line arguments efficiently is crucial for making scripts flexible and reusable. The function explained in this article will give you a great example of how to handle command line args.

High level flow

In principle what we need is a function capable of ensuring that all the command-line arguments are correctly processed and assigned to the relevant variables. Starting from this we will need also a method that will print the script usage, as help menu in case some parameters are missing. If we put these thing together we will have this high level flow:

  • Check that the number is greater than 0
  • if this condition is not met, print the helper and exit
  • else start to parse all the arguments and assign to the proper variables

The helper function

The helper/print help menu function is nothing more than a bunch of echo, so assuming that our script accepts 3 parameters and must be invoked as or ./my-script -p my-param1 -d my-param2 -f my-param3

This function will look like

usage() {
    echo "Usage: $0 -p <parameter> -d <directory> -f <file>"
    echo "  -p,--param: Parameter we want to store"
    echo "  -d,--directory: Directory to search"
    echo "  -f,--file: File to write" 
    exit 1

Iterating over arguments

The function then enters a loop to process each argument:

while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
.... do something

The above code will ensure that all the arguments are processed one by one, now we need to identify the flags used and assign to the proper variable, for doing this we will need a case switch within the loop that will go through one by one, identify and assign

case "$1" in
    -p|--param)   shift; PARAM=$1; shift;;
    -d|--directory)  shift; DIRECTORY=$1; shift;;
    -f|--file) shift; FILENAME=$1;shift;;
    -\?|-h|--help) shift; usage;;
    *)  shift;;

Final Function

If we put all the above together we will have this function

handle_args() {
    [ $# -gt 0 ] || usage
    while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
        case "$1" in
            -p|--param)   shift; PARAM=$1; shift;;
            -d|--directory)  shift; DIRECTORY=$1; shift;;
            -f|--file) shift; FILENAME=$1;shift;;
            -\?|-h|--help) shift; usage;;
            *)  shift;;

Job done!

The final script

The final script will put everything together and call the function for handling the args


usage() {
    echo "Usage: $0 -p <parameter> -d <directory> -f <file>"
    echo "  -p,--param: Parameter we want to store"
    echo "  -d,--directory: Directory to search"
    echo "  -f,--file: File to write" 
    exit 1

handle_args() {
    [ $# -gt 0 ] || usage
    while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
        case "$1" in
            -p|--param)   shift; PARAM=$1; shift;;
            -d|--directory)  shift; DIRECTORY=$1; shift;;
            -f|--file) shift; FILENAME=$1;shift;;
            -\?|-h|--help) shift; usage;;
            *)  shift;;

# call the function
handle_args "$@"

echo "Program will be executed with these values:"
echo "- param     = $PARAM"
echo "- directory = $DIRECTORY"
echo "- file      = $FILENAME"

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How to handle command line args

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